Consulting/ Training Services

Consulting/ training

Technological tools and processes are an important part, but to provide a successful service, you need to have the skills to deeply understand what your users/stakeholders need, as well the leadership skills to guide your team to do so.

We are experts in accompanying Business Innovation processes by focusing on areas such as: Design Research, Market research, Ideation, Prototyping, Validation, Innovation Design with profound knowledge and experience in coaching on Leadership skills and team development to make innovation happen.

In order to facilitate in all of the above, we provide collective intelligence dynamics such as design sprints and hackathons, in which we combine theory and practice of human-centered design tools and skills. These include tools such as Stakeholder mapping, User Personas and Customer Journeys which we combine with guides and best practices focused on Empathy, Active Listening, Emotional intelligence, etc.

We accompany both company and startups, as well as academic organizations, making available our professional and applied experience in the fulfilment of their innovation challenge.

With the aim of guiding you in this challenging and passionate journey, our consultancy services include both periodic mentoring sessions, as well as consultancy project development opportunities in which our Strategic Design experts are involved as coaches and actual team players.

Which ever your starting point is, we ensure our ad-hoc consulting and training services will lead you and your team to better understand and validate your solution in the market.

*Our team of experts are leaded by Sara Alonso, Strategic and Research Designer. Know more about her experience in her LinkedIn profile.